Trout Madness Countdown

The trout opener is less than 12 hours away!  Trout fishing madness is coming whether you are ready or not.  The boat ramps will surely be full and it will be difficult to find a parking spot when you do get your boat in the water.  Docks and lakeside spots will be full. So are you ready?  Do you…

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Banks Lake Qualifier – Report

The Northwest Bass – Banks Lake Qualifier was on April 13.  Associate Guide and pro bass angler, Jon Blank fished this tournament.  Jon and his partner Steve Potter won the Banks Lake Qualifier in 2012.  This year however, was a different story.  84 teams blasted off at their chance to take top honors at the NW Bass Banks Lake…

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Trout Fishing Coming

Spring break is fast approaching.  The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is stocking dozens of lakes in Western Washington with more than 250,000 rainbow trout ready to bite on your favorite bait or lure. Averaging 10-12 inches in length, WDFW will released fish into 47 year-round fishing lakes in Grays Harbor, Thurston, Pierce, Mason, Kitsap, Island, King…

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Dressing for the Weather

Dressing for the weather in the Pacific Northwest is important to being comfortable and having a good day on the water. As a pro fishing guide I have clients from all over the USA and beyond who fish with me.  While we provide everything for clients to fish, they must be dressed for the weather.  We stress being prepared…

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Future of Fishing

Future of fishing is at stake. We need to take action today. We love fishing.  We care about what is going on with our fisheries, conservation, recovery, promotion of the sport and more.  Some of us are members of national organizations such as Bass Anglers Sportman Society (BASS), National Association of Charterboat Operators (NACO) and Coastal Conservation Association (CCA). …

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Gearing up for fall salmon – Already?

So much going on right now; Columbia River Springers, Cowlitz River Steelhead, Cutthroat Trout, not to mention many anglers are gearing up for the lowland lake opener. So is it crazy to start thinking about the fall? Sure, we have a lot of fishing to do between now and 5 months from now, but consider this; it is a…

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