Drift Fishing – Where to Cast

This “How-To” video explains where to cast when you are drift fishing.  When drift fishing, where you cast is important.  You want to maximize your fishing and keep your leader from wrapping up on your mainline or losing lures and gear.  So if you have been having some issues with lost gear and wrapped up leaders, this video will…

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Casting Spinning Reels Effectively

This “How To” video is about how to cast a spinning effectively when fishing.  If you are new to using spinning reels, or you have been having some issues with the mainline wrapping around the spool of the reel or fouling, this video might help you out. If you are interested in fishing with Ridge to River Outdoors give…

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Drift Fishing Artificial Eggs for Steelhead – Seminar

This is a 3 part seminar about Drift Fishing Artificial Eggs for Steelhead.  I gave this seminar in Steelhead River at the 2014 Western Washington Sportsmen’s Show in Puyallup, WA. Drift Fishing Artificial Eggs for Steelhead can be done from a boat or by anglers on the bank!  Regardless of whether you are new to drift fishing or you find…

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Eggs for Mid-Season Coho

Eggs for mid-season Coho should be considered. In this article, I will explain why. We are in the mid-season of Coho on our Pacific Northwest rivers.  Like most, you have been fishing a variety of methods to put Silver Salmon in the boat; pulling plugs, backtrolling kwikfish, drift fishing Dick Nite Spoons, not to mention drift fishing cheaters Beau…

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Future of Fishing

Future of fishing is at stake. We need to take action today. We love fishing.  We care about what is going on with our fisheries, conservation, recovery, promotion of the sport and more.  Some of us are members of national organizations such as Bass Anglers Sportman Society (BASS), National Association of Charterboat Operators (NACO) and Coastal Conservation Association (CCA). …

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Gearing up for fall salmon – Already?

So much going on right now; Columbia River Springers, Cowlitz River Steelhead, Cutthroat Trout, not to mention many anglers are gearing up for the lowland lake opener. So is it crazy to start thinking about the fall? Sure, we have a lot of fishing to do between now and 5 months from now, but consider this; it is a…

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